Post by ycollet- scilab-gtk doesn't exist anymore, now, it's scicoslab. scicoslab
seems to be a fork of scilab-4.1.2 with a gtk interface and an
improved version of scicos.
- scilab-5 is a new version of scilab-4.1.2 (with a lot of
improvements like a java interface and modularisation) with a real
opensource licence (CeCILL).
So, if I understand correctly:
scicoslab has the latest scicos but not the latest scilab features,
scilab has the lastest scilab but not the latest scicos?
And, both are being developed under separate organizations of INRIA?
Are there plans to merge them back together? Is this just a license
issue or is there some kind of split within INRIA? What does this
mean for the future of scilab / scicos / scicoslab? This seems like a
pretty serious schism.
It looks to me like you are on your way to developing a serious
competitor to Matlab. I've been a Matlab user for decades, but it is
very overpriced. And their Linux/Unix support has been weak. The
competition is welcome. I believe Matlab was originally an open
source like development. It is good to see the open source concept
return to quality mathematics tools.
I wish you the best of luck!